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Yogashram Development

Ushagram Vikash Kendra

A yoga Centre

The identity of Ushagram Vikash Kendra within our country and outside is a village development centre. Sri Gopal Chandra Chakravarty and Mr. Jyotirmoy Bose were the founders of this village development centre. When this centre was being constructed, both the founders thought seriously about the aim of their institution

They realized that the basic need of the poor and distressed people was education which could have given them strength to lead a healthy and joyful life. They realized also that without spirituality men could not develop their sense of rationality and godliness which were already hidden inside them. This idea inspired them to set up a “Yoga” department in Ushagram Vikash Kendra.

Perhaps most of the common people cannot understand the real meaning of “Yoga”. The meaning of the word “Yoga” is to feel the presence of almighty in oneself as well as in every object of the universe. Yoga means union with the divine and the union is affected through offering of oneself to the divine.

Gopal Chandra Chakravarty was not only a patriot; he was also a saintly personality in his inward life. In his deeds and in his sights he was engrossed with the feeling of presence of God. He always felt the inner meaning of Tagore’s one famous song –

“When to mingle with others you roam There with you, is also my home not in grave nor alone, not in my soul’s intone where you are for all, oh dearest one there you are my own. @consequat."

Jyotirmoy Bose had a great devotion to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. Both Mr Bose and Sri Chakravarty wanted to spread the teaching of Sri Aurobindo among the inhabitants and workers of Ushagram Vikash Kendra. To bring divine influence in the entire locality Gopal Chandra Chakravarty respectfully installed the Relics of Sri Aurobindo inside the Ashram premises in Ushagram.

Sri Chakravarty always expected that all the members of Ushagram Trust should do their respective works by offering themselves at the feet of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. The founders of Ushagram Trust are no more with us. – Yet I, the followers of their idealism am trying our level best to continue all their activities and peruse their spiritual mission as well.

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